A4AI to hold virtual forum on securing Ghana’s digital future


The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)—the world’s broadest technology sector coalition will on Thursday, September 10, 2020 hold a virtual forum on Zoom to discuss how to secure Ghana’s digital future through innovative internet technology and partnership.

The forum, slated for 13.00hours to 14.30hours Ghana Time, will brings together prominent players from government, the private sector, and civil society to work to reduce the cost of a broadband connection and enable billions more to come online.

A4AI-Ghana is making affordable access possible by advocating for policy and regulatory reform in four key areas – infrastructure sharing and open access, taxation, consumer advocacy and pricing transparency, and research and data collection.

The pursuit of policy reforms in those four areas in informed by studies in some 70 countries, which revealed that more than half of the world’s population – 3.6 billion – are not online because they simply cannot afford it, and for 2.5 billion people, they cannot even afford the cheapest smartphones to get access.

The studies also showed that for even those who have the devices to access the internet, a greater majority do not have stable internet connectivity. A4AI has therefore been working with governments and international organizations such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to fix that anomaly.

The Ghana Zoom meeting is open to all stakeholders committed to promoting policy and regulatory reform to make affordable internet possible in Ghana.

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Tentative Agenda


Time Topic Speaker
13h00 – 13h05 Check-in  Onica N. Makwakwa
A4AI Head of Africa
13h05 – 13h15 Welcome


Introduction of Program & Speakers

Dr. Kwaku Ofosu-Adarkwa
A4AI-Ghana National 
13h15 – 13h30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS

Trends in Innovative Technology & Science: Bridging the Gender Digital Divide


(invited) Honorable Minister Prof. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng, Honourable Minister 

Ministry of Science, Environment, Technology and Innovation (MEST&I) 

13h30 – 14h00 Panel Presentations & Dialogue

New Partnerships and New Technologies in Deploying Last Mile Connectivity in Ghana: Lessons and Opportunities



Mr. Kofi Asante, Administrator, Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications



14h00 – 14h20 Q & A – Round 1 Moderator & Participants on Video
14h20 – 14h25 Panel Closing Remarks  

Click here to register for the online session.  A unique link to the video conference will be sent to each registered participant. 

Participate in this conversation, we invite you to send your question(s) and/or comment(s) in advance via email to onica.makwakwa@webfoundation.org.



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