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Tag: Shared 5G Infrastructure

MTN not excluded from 5G rollout – Ursula Owusu denies claims

Minister of Communication and Digitalization, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has debunked claims that MTN, Ghana's telecoms market leader, was deliberately excluded from the 5G shared infrastructure. The...

Nokia, Tech Mahindra and Radisys will create jobs for Ghanaian youth...

The Minister of Communication and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has stated that as part of their role in rolling out a shared 4G and 5G...

Shared 5G Infrastructure policy in line with NDC’s 2020 Manifesto promises

Techfocus24 can confirm that the recent initiative by the sitting government to establish a shared digital public infrastructure (DPI) for the accelerated rollout of...
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