Samsung partners d’strict to create revolutionary content for SMART signage


Samsung Electronics today announced a new partnership with a Seoul based design company d’strict to showcase groundbreaking new media art on Samsung’s industry-leading SMART signage.

Inspired by positive response to d’strict’s captivating design on Samsung’s cutting-edge SMART signage, Samsung and d’strict are bringing their expertise together to showcase the unlimited potential of digital signage.

“This partnership will help bring to life many opportunities for Samsung SMART signage beyond simple information delivery and will help businesses consider the possibilities of using these displays as a media art platform,” said Hyesung Ha, Senior Vice President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “This partnership is aligned with our broader user experience ‘Screens Everywhere’ vision and will showcase enhanced content on the latest display technology.”

The companies will produce new media art pieces for potential customers of Samsung SMART signages and present public media art projects through Samsung’s LED signages installed at global landmarks around the world, including Times Square in New York City and Duomo Cathedral in Milan.

“We are honored to partner with global technology leader Samsung Electronics to bring international attention to contents we have worked so hard to create,” said Sung-Ho Lee, CEO of d’strict. “d’strict will create entirely new perspectives for the public to enjoy by partnering with Samsung.”

A design company focused on creating user-centered experiences with unique content and digital media technology, d’strict gained global attention in May 2020 after its giant 3D wave design appeared on Samsung’s SMART LED signage, the largest curved screen in Korea, located on the SMTown COEX building in Seoul’s Gangnam district.

Together, Samsung and d’strict will aim to create never-before-seen visual experiences with eye-catching content and groundbreaking digital media technologies that will push the digital signage industry forward.

About d’strict

d’strict is a creator group working on space-based digital design work in a wide range from commercial design to artwork. We’ve been mainly focused on creating content using digital media technology to suit its characteristics of space, and providing innovative space-based experiences. The brand of “d’strict”, came to life from the original philosophy of design +strictly. We aim to create a high-level of the creative art piece with strict standards as indicated by the brand.


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