Tavonia Evans, the founder of the popular Guapcoin cryptocurrency, has launched a new social media platform called Nu (short for Nu World Order). This platform creates digital diversity for the black and brown community by revolutionizing social networking, and allowing anyone of the African diaspora to be in charge of their own data; unlike other networks.
African American culture is responsible for some of society’s most popular trends, through memes centered on Black culture, latest dance videos, and popular gifs involving Black women and Black queer people.
Tavonia comments, “Black people learn to turn discrimination and sadness into laugher and happiness by creating powerful content that is relatable in the Black community. Unfortunately, Blacks are not recognized or given credit to their black cultural influence. Every social media platform ignores Black users and their content.” However, Tavonia says that she plans to change that with her new platform.
Nu was created to have Black-focused data and content work for African Americans – not against them. It’s an online safe haven for Black and brown people to benefit from their social media influence.
Nu allows users to create their own articles, view the latest trends, view what’s popular, and add their own podcasts. Nu also offers a live conference video room where users can invite friends, fans and/or family members to their live conferences on the platform. Users also have the option to live stream their conferences to YouTube.
While Guapcoin is infused with the “Buy Black movement,” Tavonia says she developed Nu to inspire a “Chat Black movement”.
Users can sign up now at WeWantNu.com, or download the free app in the Google Play Store. It will also be available soon in the Apple iTunes store.
For press inquiries, contact press@wewantnu.com